Invited professors 2018-2019




Invited Professors 2017-2018


Invited Professors 2016 - 2017

- Paavo SALMINEN to LAREMA (University of Angers),Professor at the Abo Academy in Finland. He is working on Exponential Functions with LAREMA members. He has been in Angers from 08/06/2016 to 15/06/2016.

- Alexis BELIANIN to GRANEM (University of Angers), Lecturer at the International College of Economics and Finance, Higher School of Economics, of Moscow. He has been the speaker in a seminar: Gender Differences in Risk Preferences of Children and Adult, the 11/10/2016

 - Ömür SÜER BAKLACI to GRANEM (University of Angers), Associate Professor in management in the Galatasaray University in Istanbul. She has been at the GRANEM in June 2016 to intend a conference and work with the members of the laboratory. You can see her work here.

- Patrick BEISSNER to LMM (Le Mans University), Research Fellow at the Center of Mathematicals Economics of the Australian National University (ANU). He has been in the laboratory from 4/12/2016 to 8/12/2016 and from 29/03/2017 to 31/03/2017. His main research and CV are here.

- Armand NGOUPEYOU to LMM (Le Mans University), from Banque Supérieure des États de l’Afrique Centralehas come from March 19th to 26th 2017.  His researchs and CV are here.